Half wigs have been with us for many years, and these snazzy numbers are not going out of style anytime soon. But you might be wondering what a half wig even is. Well, we’re here to tell you what they are, tell you about the different types of half wigs available, and help you choose the best one for you.


Half wigs are wigs that are made to only cover half to three-quarters of your scalp. So half wigs are always worn with some of your own hair left out. These wigs go by many names, including three-quarter wigs, half head wigs, half-and-half wigs, and even headband wigs- more on this later.


The main goal of half wigs is to add volume and often some glamour in a way that seems very natural. If done correctly, most people will think that is your hair, not a wig.


So Is There A Difference Between A Half Wig and A Headband Wig?


Yes, but a slight one. Simply put, a headband wig is a half wig that has a headband sewn onto the front. So a headband wig is a specific type of half wig. They’ve been around since the ’90s, but in 2020, with COVID restrictions, work-from-home orders, and a shortage of lace, headband wigs made a comeback. The good news is that they’re still really trendy, so if you’re thinking of getting yourself one, you can shop some of our headband wigs here.


Luvme Hair’s headband wigs are beginner-friendly, comfortable, breathable, and don’t cause tension on your scalp. All wigs come with a set of 5 trendy headbands that you can use to style your hair quickly and still look very chic, even when you’re short on time or want to run some errands.


Headband wigs may not be as versatile as the standard half wig, but they’re the quickest to style. You throw them on, put on a cute headband, and head out of the door! I mean, who doesn’t love that?


Types of Half Wigs


Generally, there are two types of half wigs: hair toppers and headband wigs.


Hair topper: the original half wig, which comes without a headband, has a relatively flat surface at the front that can easily be hidden using your leave out.


Headband wigs: these half wigs come with an adjustable headband, sewn at the front of the wig, to secure the wig onto the hair and help it look natural in the quickest way possible.


How to Choose The Best Half Wig For You


Ultimately, the choice depends on how much time and effort you’re willing to put into styling your hair. Hair toppers often require a bit of work to blend, but if you pick one in a color and texture that matches your hair, this can be quite easy to do. Headband wigs are the best option for you if you are a beginner and don’t want anything that might require you to pick up some new skills to style. Headband wigs are also great if you’re just tired of all the styling and melting lace and just want a throw-and-go option.


Here Are Some Tips You Can Use To Dress Up Your Half Wigs


  1. Buy cute headbands in neutral colors and prints. This will not only allow you to change out the style to match a certain theme or color scheme, but it will also allow you to wear your toppers as if they were headband wigs. Now, you have a 2-in-1!


  1. Slick down your leave-out. Leave-out is synonymous with hair loss and thinning, but it doesn’t always have to be. One of the things that make leave-out so harmful is that we often have to straighten our hair to blend it in with the wig. By using gel, you can avoid using heat and protect your hair from suffering any heat damage. This tip works best if you tie a scarf around your leave-out for it to dry. That way, it dries with fewer curly or wavy bits on the surface, so it blends beautifully with headband wigs. It gives you a similar polished look, but without all the possible heartache!


  1. Part your hair. Rather than slicking all your hair back like you would for a ponytail, consider adding a part to it. A side or middle part is a great way to make the style look even more realistic and make it look like you put in much more effort than you did. Just remember to add your part before you gel your hair into place.


What other tips do you use to make your half wigs look more realistic? Drop them in the comments. We’d love to learn more tips and tricks from you guys!

November 10, 2021 — Camila Witman