Clip in Hair Extensions
Clip in Hair Extensions Product list
Clip in Hair Extensions description
<div data-docx-has-block-data="false" data-lark-html-role="root" data-page-id="Df44dR0MAoH4yqxquDscj7Rynpf"> <h2 class="heading-2 ace-line old-record-id-ZN9hdPTV8opUDMxjlspctmzfnmS">Best Hair Extensions For Beginners</h2> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-BATtd9MuRookSwxwFM2cRo9YnQa">The clip in hair extensions from Luvme Hair can increase the volume of your hair better and more conveniently. Here are the other key features of 2025 best clip in extensions for women that can change your appearance in seconds:</div> <ol class="list-number1" start="1"> <li data-list="number" class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-Su5fd4UhioyMKtxp8rrcAZ2fn7c"> <div> <strong>Top hair quality:</strong> High-quality hair quality achieves the most natural and seamless connection.</div> </li> <li data-list="number" class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-LZkYdheVioezBBxR1BEcER90nTf"> <div> <strong>Various textures:</strong> Straight hair and small curls can be transformed into big waves, and the length can be adapted from <a href=""><strong>14 inches</strong></a> to 24 inches.</div> </li> <li data-list="number" class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-RL5HdbXKVoos2QxY6kXcifdNnM2"> <div> <strong>Easy to wear: </strong>The clip-in design can be installed quickly and easily and completely change your appearance in five seconds.</div> </li> <li data-list="number" class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-MU9FdA6kUoauNfxk4Wmcc9WtnSb"> <div> <strong>Duration of use: </strong>More than 2 years under proper use and reasonable care.</div> </li> </ol> <p>If you are interested in Luvme clip-in hair extensions, you can get one at a good price. Use <span style="background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><span style="background-color: rgb(246, 246, 174);"><a href="" style="background-color: rgb(246, 246, 174);"><strong>Luvme Hair coupon code</strong></a> </span></span>to get 30% off!</p> </div> <h2>How to Install and Remove Clip in Hair Extensions</h2> <p>Get rid of the hassle of our products, which take only five seconds to create the perfect volume and the right length, just follow the video below:</p> <p><iframe title="install clip in hair extensions" height="480px" width="380px" src=""></iframe></p> <p><strong>One-step removal of clip-in:</strong> Press down on both sides of the clip to remove the hair extensions perfectly. (Note: Do not use excessive force to avoid damaging your original hair)</p> <h2>How to Choose The Right Hair Extensions to Create The Most Suitable Style For You?</h2> <ol> <li>Choose the right textures: To match your natural hair better, you need to choose the right textures. If they are not the same, you can use curling irons and other heating tools to create a suitable style.</li> <li>Color selection: Increase the hair volume by choosing the same hair color as your natural hair. If you want to create a bold hair color, you can choose a blonde highlight clip in hair extensions that differs from your natural hair for styling.</li> <li>Choose the number of hair extensions: Choose the appropriate amount of hair extensions according to the fullness you want to create. (Do not use too much to avoid damaging the original hair)</li> </ol> <h3>Top 3 Hair Extensions For You</h3> <p>The following content will give suggestions based on the type of hair extensions that cause the least damage to your scalp. I hope it can help you:</p> <ol> <li> <strong>Clip in hair extensions</strong>: This type of hair extensions is the easiest to install and causes the least damage to the hair, because you only need to clip the clip correctly at the root of the hair to wear it, without using glue.</li> <li> <strong>Tape in hair extensions</strong>: This type of hair extension is attached to the hair, which causes some damage to the hair and scalp, but the operation is also very easy and the damage is also very small.</li> <li> <strong>Sew in hair extensions</strong>: This is also a type of hair extension that does not require the use of glue, but this type needs to be installed in a salon and the installation fee will be higher, but the naturalness and fit are the highest.</li> </ol> <div data-docx-has-block-data="false" data-lark-html-role="root" data-page-id="Df44dR0MAoH4yqxquDscj7Rynpf"> <h2 class="heading-2 ace-line old-record-id-TriAdgJlYocYMpxn1syc62knnNf">Can You Curl/Tong/Straighten Luvme Hair Extensions?</h2> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-PcXrdrr6xoyAFxxfJ7Cczf9PnMh">Absolutely, yes, all Luvme hair extensions are made of 100% high-quality human hair; you can DIY your extensions; just do remember to use heat protection.</div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-PcXrdrr6xoyAFxxfJ7Cczf9PnMh"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <div data-docx-has-block-data="false" data-lark-html-role="root" data-page-id="Df44dR0MAoH4yqxquDscj7Rynpf"> <h2 class="heading-2 ace-line old-record-id-QFapdCRLNoSltYx9CSlcCONmn0b">Can I Add a Different Colour to my Extensions?</h2> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-CqsjdyNIzoCldvxRtHncvMx4nUg">Why not? After dyeing your hair extension, you can create bolder styles, such as highlights, cosplay, and others.</div> </div> <span class="lark-record-clipboard" data-lark-record-format="docx/record" data-lark-record-data='{"isCut":false,"rootId":"Df44dR0MAoH4yqxquDscj7Rynpf","parentId":"Df44dR0MAoH4yqxquDscj7Rynpf","blockIds":[511,512],"recordIds":["QFapdCRLNoSltYx9CSlcCONmn0b","CqsjdyNIzoCldvxRtHncvMx4nUg"],"recordMap":{"QFapdCRLNoSltYx9CSlcCONmn0b":{"id":"QFapdCRLNoSltYx9CSlcCONmn0b","snapshot":{"parent_id":"Df44dR0MAoH4yqxquDscj7Rynpf","type":"heading2","children":[],"comments":[],"revisions":[],"author":"7365693388395446273","text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"Can I Add a Different Colour to my Extensions?"},"attribs":{"0":"*0+1a"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"]},"nextNum":1}},"folded":false}},"CqsjdyNIzoCldvxRtHncvMx4nUg":{"id":"CqsjdyNIzoCldvxRtHncvMx4nUg","snapshot":{"parent_id":"Df44dR0MAoH4yqxquDscj7Rynpf","type":"text","children":[],"comments":[],"revisions":[],"author":"7365693388395446273","text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"Why not? After dyeing your hair extension, you can create bolder styles, such as highlights, cosplay and other styles."},"attribs":{"0":"*0+3a"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"]},"nextNum":1}},"folded":false}},"Df44dR0MAoH4yqxquDscj7Rynpf":{"id":"Df44dR0MAoH4yqxquDscj7Rynpf","snapshot":{"type":"page","parent_id":"","comments":null,"revisions":null,"locked":false,"hidden":false,"author":"7365693388395446273","children":["R1kDdAXBioPz63x2bwmcbpMmn9c","Ez8WdfZiKoApOuxEjancEG4ynhg","GHlKdrjMZoqIDGxmNzUcQLEFnhe","HUMldQ3XcozlPXxYkK2cTXIjnFh","Jh70drybHolC0OxgFYhchOs4nVe","NRqIdgRRgo2bdYxLek2crgR7nZb","M8Itd42zAosJ95x4sgAcK15ZnRY","DpsadKqNwo8TXoxQHAxcFgEOnoK","Rl45dkKTqo9DWpxPyTVctcEhnfd","E2X6dXWPYou4CDxc2vXcUyqNnic","CErxdldnDozkmRx1VAsc1taSn03","NJaWdSup7oRY25xokfjc55Cyn6f","DKTudsXbAoWbJpxxwn3c02XjnCc","QCXWdbQyio45V2x2D7BcseuUnQh","GNRkd2elloi7Jtx0zuCcHHronSb","F890dj29loKcC5xtAITcljcFnzh","B5HGdmUf4oqCg5xvOnIcA4yKndh","YDYYdKluEokaKRxjtKncXGchnDg","KOGqdetM4oO9mmx6Q6Uc8drunyg","QHmvdB5IGo27tTxDAtUcfJmAnch","HUuadR7xYotMerx8yC4cSYq5nIc","LN14dSRKloelTLx4oLzcnGNMnth","J8c9dzw11oCichxKceZco0jonkg","L1dPdYbvNo3xFOxWnfUceQ2Gn0d","DVUidBQW5ofkAYxZY2Xcm25VnPh","HjmvdYq6DoEyejx2T92cdsL8nbe","GQhQdpGxyodx2ux5C6ncSDqRnif","GQgTdNNj9o89luxsCXIcJ5jan0f","Obg6dXU0roYd71xB5Xjc0Crjn2g","Nplsdl6ZCosVPWxQu66c7ze0nkf","RLIudF7DvotUqyxmDWYcc1asnAi","RIaxdjRzfou3Jdx6FKScmN2endc","I9cLdirXKot59ixDRRmc2EiTnFh","LIMede1zMoLCtYxoq1kcGF74nCd","WcWDdxifHoO2hCxtY6bcg8EDnmg","ThPmdgczkoMvdsxg7SMccJ7mn6b","VtC6dozFwoD72kxhBCAcAaTmnAb","WG0Hdr0OIoQfGoxjBWJcmNOXn2c","Y8HYdU9ghoqKPfxAmBjc8rv9nch","KkuBdhTWWolwkaxjlNHcQZzNnvb","GqUedJKe4oTtYGxjBERclepWnpd","UTPFdKD2XoUFWMxp9B9cynHOn8d","P2vPdvYgnoVXKjxhv6cc3eNqnzf","N1aGdrNjPo4Re4xFWF1cPEGynQc","K2sGdQLKqoCQd1xRnBVcqttfnef","LtnddLvDwombVKx5pFqcaJfjngZ","PvFLdLRvrotrUOxs2Z4cOXMcn0a","Z7mKdwesRozsWoxIJsXcgQeSnld","JWMRdJwhBodw6ox9k0VcbP4Jnxb","ZSGJdueCNoJpcuxhXqucwMmknff","JKpDdztWmoBmzTxVkp5cVn57nBc","RN2dd1sYCoYlNLxMERuchfl5nVb","EgqNdWqYoo59fPxfygzcDjTanwf","SsaIdiC8woGeA0xiAfvcQBebntg","W9HndmOpUoTKlzxCrYFcMdKXnfc","X3QAdyqlSoHQ16xKK91cA2d3npc","Pa9sdXRd2oqqjsxs6VLciN0BnTg","XLXDdHlzaokGDSxYCsNcdT4Vnrf","KMOUdbQUgolrfExbQv3c0aN5ns0","FvrndtEm3oNd3LxD920cr68yneb","H3S7d6V28owgw2xkuPzcEJ2Mndc","WOHWd1zC7ovxzOxYGsWcb30Xnqh","SDeddfW0moL4NwxlyAEcTmqLnGh","PKdZdn6pioxpq0xVcaecpuY0n4e","L3N7dIHJHoJouOxnvWzcXGuYnJA","SG5kdgjtZoyebnxLzkhcFbQdnPf","XqQDdYc0mopprcxE3TecXRIYn6b","WLaidkTlnoLOc1x8yHMc2KgwnUd","H5mJd4DPPog2HLxJuDuczHZZn3c","BMmZd7TI7o7mLCxb7Xxcu8Qsnxa","DEv8dgu9zoF2DsxfKvFcNXvjnZA","Hbkrdh3MBoi4dixXo8OcH5hSnff","IWEndGFE5ormOaxjnKTcYCcynNg","N2Pgdk0QEo20vYxWPpPcwc3qnEv","ZjludBzWWoRXAjxNXVMcwp8Inkc","OuTidULdsotHxAxNPrDcx2xyn2b","UpfOdap5roMdyFxcrW7c4awpnnb","XhuDd5GPloZx88x1qRBcYNBQnnf","WJv1dJoyeogPmTxALZ9cNTodnlg","SFS5dlrcyoY2saxH4gmcQ8Xbnpd","YENZdk0onoqsHwxXy3Tcjemrnbd","Z2mjdYkchoH4v5xBRfDcQp6hnwD","HeW4ddz19obCzhxlDLzc80GKnNf","CL5CdMp84oxtNDxNvAWcoM11nKd","T8ogdDtnioUz73xYy1Uc1SaFnKc","LT0BdpgXio3fOrxtabGcoqjFnUd","IGn0d3d3uoSndlxvSsecGwaInph","Ij82dq7KaognRfxIdRlcVdDDnPh","DxFJdKa7goDIEJx909lcQ77enzc","HwxQdwggUogGQIxncP0cpG1qnCd","ECdVdGvOXoqFNVx5OzVcC4bLnkf","VlkXdfYeUoUaDuxwWvacy9lmnFf","Gm9Pd9Yxco86buxiotScL3hknMf","WH5hdbzOeoCI8lxhwRrcvYFTnVc","Tme9ddoynoQnJ7xrObTcAkSAngh","VxX8d0Bico6YWvxIy5Cc0KTQnod","TpxVd7Wmgod07xxIhMFcb1nKnxf","RLqedPd8Koz6Ncxtrr0c91oQnRe","RLP4dQkXNogpPXxmImecpvEonXb","NXUrdSSJjoArdvxCiQScWgm9nkf","VUoadmHPgo5prpxbXzEcCbknn5K","JUJMdi8mHo81VAxq3DMcBDr6nVh","HkPkdgnbQo8FncxHGuzcgsSynTb","NZqQdEgg9oDurYxno33cAtf4nle","V4s3dpA7DoAfasxKdnYcaMGHnXc","KCetdJ6saoPjdRxTLtec86JjnVg","YAJ5dDHLRoqFwyxlwlocu4jlnNb","R12WdGRsmotSUfxtqiWcPjhFn9f","HoZqdOWTvoXzsqxsSZscMaVon5f","FwsxdSakCo1xS6xMy4xcX95tngf","OxBldHfvOoJE5JxWWkNcht6SnSh","HRiWdkmlGoJL9Jxx4n6cNJwAn0g","YI9zdKZGWomhJ8xj0jHcWvbxnid","ReSYddvyqojQTzxDoKvcwIHOn4Z","Q5srdw77foWE4Kxkd82cceYgnBc","DnvDdBH6Aok00kxw970clUKGnCc","A29bdEVEdobqgxxV4zPc81NUnA2","DlEhd00VkoclyOxW8g1cdSQqnEg","MzDxd9xBNo1Rx8xF6fgcFheunYf","XnSYdZQCToxsKexyjkScKf7Sn5c","VXjydQQIyohAfaxs4E5cq7FsnDb","ZSv6d5lxnoFsJ7xnmWxcU2rpnue","W8AvdNVhTolMzVxHTWjcXXq2n8f","EvH0dqwHro1eFGxLO58co0eJnSf","VJjcdEZojoSLXWxqJOZc4kRnn1d","XN4HdhIsno7rY5xflIVcQrZInab","LjD1drT7NofYQVxEmT0c3g9ynJg","IsUudEFFkoI6ivxwBYYcXpB4nff","Eq2gd7zayopLa1xW27Gco2G1nif","VB5cdZUdioWsM2xABlOcdltpn0f","FpZkdMrnUocVqVxY6OkcjJCmnfg","Ery1dgEMiojbhNxwT2rcFY4snYb","HliAdGhhjoB5FAxPStyc6fjfnjd","TVprdnFZmoWBAUxzXOCc8APznJb","GyWWd8OtXocZevxDkHbcweJunbh","KptOd8F7PoQAzhxGayDcir1anBd","WwwldL0YDoU9adxlKxQcTUm3nVc","PS0UdHnDHo1OE2x2PUicxbl8nWq","DLDIdxniOoWAnHxRUWocLFp8nLe","D79DdXTVlo1zMQxEyuhclKKHnSh","XKTLdF3uQoajrwxeAq5c8Vipnkq","DoGFdUI2eozRgIxuCtyctoe4nWf","M3AndcyivoKl1JxLtOpc8ndRnth","ZN9hdPTV8opUDMxjlspctmzfnmS","BATtd9MuRookSwxwFM2cRo9YnQa","Su5fd4UhioyMKtxp8rrcAZ2fn7c","LZkYdheVioezBBxR1BEcER90nTf","RL5HdbXKVoos2QxY6kXcifdNnM2","MU9FdA6kUoauNfxk4Wmcc9WtnSb","VutVdk7whoh3slx9h90cy3YRnEg","Y2HAdWgtfoRdvVxHrCucu2DCnGb","SFdAdzgRgoWCzzxSuxUct0MxnIh","KQJudiKeUoB4YXxb5mbcwiG0nQg","Ss90dxGkTodex9xbdWgcHFWOnJh","MH6zdkpxVoz2rVxJVFHcVih6nCg","SHr6dwZu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in hair extensions 集合页优化"}}},"align":"","doc_info":{"editors":["7365693388395446273"],"options":["editors","edit_time"],"deleted_editors":null,"option_modified":null}}}},"payloadMap":{"CqsjdyNIzoCldvxRtHncvMx4nUg":{"level":1}},"extra":{"channel":"saas","pasteRandomId":"3c8995fc-fcd3-4cdd-906d-edaae18090d9","mention_page_title":{},"external_mention_url":{}},"isKeepQuoteContainer":false,"selection":[{"id":511,"type":"text","selection":{"start":0,"end":46},"recordId":"QFapdCRLNoSltYx9CSlcCONmn0b"},{"id":512,"type":"text","selection":{"start":0,"end":118},"recordId":"CqsjdyNIzoCldvxRtHncvMx4nUg"}],"pasteFlag":"e57209e8-b1a7-4e20-92a1-71e348460318"}'></span> </div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-PcXrdrr6xoyAFxxfJ7Cczf9PnMh"> <h2>How to wash and maintain Luvme's hair extensions?</h2> <p>In addition to maintaining the hair quality, we also need to perform specific maintenance on clips.</p> <ol> <li>After combing the clip ins, soak them in warm water and use a professional human hair wig shampoo (be sure not to use hot water)</li> <li>After rinsing off the shampoo, you can apply conditioner to the wig piece and the ends of the hair. Leave it on for about five minutes, and then rinse.</li> <li>Rinse well, wipe dry with a towel and let dry. (You also need to wipe dry the water on the clip)</li> </ol> </div> </div> <h2>Are clip in hair extensions good for thin hair or short hair?</h2> <p>Women with thin hair can use Luvme hair extensions to increase hair volume. Because our product is light in weight, it is easy to install and remove, which significantly reduces the cost of the original hair. It allows you to have a brand new look conveniently, economically, and labor-savingly.</p> <h2> Luvme Clip in Hair Extensions Reviews</h2> <div style="text-align: start;"><img src="" alt="clip in hair extensions reviews" style="float: none; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"></div> <p style="text-align: left;"> </p> <p style="text-align: right;">Updated February 08, 2025</p>
Best Hair Extensions For Beginners
Top hair quality: High-quality hair quality achieves the most natural and seamless connection.
Various textures: Straight hair and small curls can be transformed into big waves, and the length can be adapted from 14 inches to 24 inches.
Easy to wear: The clip-in design can be installed quickly and easily and completely change your appearance in five seconds.
Duration of use: More than 2 years under proper use and reasonable care.
If you are interested in Luvme clip-in hair extensions, you can get one at a good price. Use Luvme Hair coupon code to get 30% off!
How to Install and Remove Clip in Hair Extensions
Get rid of the hassle of our products, which take only five seconds to create the perfect volume and the right length, just follow the video below:
One-step removal of clip-in: Press down on both sides of the clip to remove the hair extensions perfectly. (Note: Do not use excessive force to avoid damaging your original hair)
How to Choose The Right Hair Extensions to Create The Most Suitable Style For You?
- Choose the right textures: To match your natural hair better, you need to choose the right textures. If they are not the same, you can use curling irons and other heating tools to create a suitable style.
- Color selection: Increase the hair volume by choosing the same hair color as your natural hair. If you want to create a bold hair color, you can choose a blonde highlight clip in hair extensions that differs from your natural hair for styling.
- Choose the number of hair extensions: Choose the appropriate amount of hair extensions according to the fullness you want to create. (Do not use too much to avoid damaging the original hair)
Top 3 Hair Extensions For You
The following content will give suggestions based on the type of hair extensions that cause the least damage to your scalp. I hope it can help you:
- Clip in hair extensions: This type of hair extensions is the easiest to install and causes the least damage to the hair, because you only need to clip the clip correctly at the root of the hair to wear it, without using glue.
- Tape in hair extensions: This type of hair extension is attached to the hair, which causes some damage to the hair and scalp, but the operation is also very easy and the damage is also very small.
- Sew in hair extensions: This is also a type of hair extension that does not require the use of glue, but this type needs to be installed in a salon and the installation fee will be higher, but the naturalness and fit are the highest.
Can You Curl/Tong/Straighten Luvme Hair Extensions?
Can I Add a Different Colour to my Extensions?
How to wash and maintain Luvme's hair extensions?
In addition to maintaining the hair quality, we also need to perform specific maintenance on clips.
- After combing the clip ins, soak them in warm water and use a professional human hair wig shampoo (be sure not to use hot water)
- After rinsing off the shampoo, you can apply conditioner to the wig piece and the ends of the hair. Leave it on for about five minutes, and then rinse.
- Rinse well, wipe dry with a towel and let dry. (You also need to wipe dry the water on the clip)
Are clip in hair extensions good for thin hair or short hair?
Women with thin hair can use Luvme hair extensions to increase hair volume. Because our product is light in weight, it is easy to install and remove, which significantly reduces the cost of the original hair. It allows you to have a brand new look conveniently, economically, and labor-savingly.
Luvme Clip in Hair Extensions Reviews

Updated February 08, 2025
FAQS of Clip in Hair Extensions
How Long do Clip in Hair Extensions Last?
Under normal use, the lifespan of clip in hair extensions can exceed one year. Especially hair extensions from Luvme can last for more than 2 years under normal use and storage.
How Long do Clip in Hair Extensions Last?
Under normal use, the lifespan of clip in hair extensions can exceed one year. Especially hair extensions from Luvme can last for more than 2 years under normal use and storage.
How Much Does it Cost to Get Clip in Hair Extensions Put In?
The price of clip in hair extensions depends on the material. Usually, clips made of human hair are priced at around $100, while synthetic hair extensions are usually priced under $50. If you choose Luvme's clip in hair extensions, you can get clips made of 100% Brazilian hair at the lowest price, and you can install them yourself without any additional costs.
How Much Does it Cost to Get Clip in Hair Extensions Put In?
The price of clip in hair extensions depends on the material. Usually, clips made of human hair are priced at around $100, while synthetic hair extensions are usually priced under $50. If you choose Luvme's clip in hair extensions, you can get clips made of 100% Brazilian hair at the lowest price, and you can install them yourself without any additional costs.
What Can You do And Not do With Clip in Extensions?
Things you can do after wearing clip in hair extensions:
1. Create different hairstyles: high ponytail, hair volume, space bun and other styles
2. Exercise: fitness, running and swimming, etc.
3. Daily life: sleeping and bathing are all possible
Things not to do:
1. Do not pull your wig hard to avoid pulling out your natural hair.
2. Do not cut or dye your hair directly while wearing clip-in hair extensions to avoid damaging the hair extension.
What Can You do And Not do With Clip in Extensions?
Things you can do after wearing clip in hair extensions:
1. Create different hairstyles: high ponytail, hair volume, space bun and other styles
2. Exercise: fitness, running and swimming, etc.
3. Daily life: sleeping and bathing are all possible
Things not to do:
1. Do not pull your wig hard to avoid pulling out your natural hair.
2. Do not cut or dye your hair directly while wearing clip-in hair extensions to avoid damaging the hair extension.
Is it OK to Wear Clip in Hair Extensions Everyday?
Sure, you can wear clip in hair extensions every day. But in order to better extend the life of your hair extensions, we do not recommend excessive cleaning and using heating tools to style the hair piece.
Is it OK to Wear Clip in Hair Extensions Everyday?
Sure, you can wear clip in hair extensions every day. But in order to better extend the life of your hair extensions, we do not recommend excessive cleaning and using heating tools to style the hair piece.
How Long do Clip in Hair Extensions Last?
Under normal use, the lifespan of clip in hair extensions can exceed one year. Especially hair extensions from Luvme can last for more than 2 years under normal use and storage.
How Much Does it Cost to Get Clip in Hair Extensions Put In?
The price of clip in hair extensions depends on the material. Usually, clips made of human hair are priced at around $100, while synthetic hair extensions are usually priced under $50. If you choose Luvme's clip in hair extensions, you can get clips made of 100% Brazilian hair at the lowest price, and you can install them yourself without any additional costs.
What Can You do And Not do With Clip in Extensions?
Things you can do after wearing clip in hair extensions:
1. Create different hairstyles: high ponytail, hair volume, space bun and other styles
2. Exercise: fitness, running and swimming, etc.
3. Daily life: sleeping and bathing are all possible
Things not to do:
1. Do not pull your wig hard to avoid pulling out your natural hair.
2. Do not cut or dye your hair directly while wearing clip-in hair extensions to avoid damaging the hair extension.
Is it OK to Wear Clip in Hair Extensions Everyday?
Sure, you can wear clip in hair extensions every day. But in order to better extend the life of your hair extensions, we do not recommend excessive cleaning and using heating tools to style the hair piece.