Natural Black wig #1B


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Natural Black wig #1B description

<div data-docx-has-block-data="false" data-lark-html-role="root" data-page-id="FAlHdzkS1omxPfxLojFcT90Fnjf"> <h2 class="heading-2 ace-line old-record-id-VYNzdX8eWoiBsSxoPuccLm18nLd">The Most Natural Looking Wig: Luvme Hair Black Wig</h2> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-AdpQdX79NoLOvDxSioKcKuvMnzG"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <div data-docx-has-block-data="false" data-lark-html-role="root" data-page-id="FAlHdzkS1omxPfxLojFcT90Fnjf"> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-PgxDd8vzPoJEQcxnyUmc4b4Tnwe">100% human hair <strong>black wigs</strong> from Luvme Hair bring the most natural, fashionable, and comfortable styling design to women of all ages. Whether you are a busy professional woman or need to attend a dinner party, you can enjoy the wear and go black wig. Embrace the greatest beauty with the least time.</div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-PgxDd8vzPoJEQcxnyUmc4b4Tnwe"> <div style="position: relative; width: 100%; height: 0; padding-top: 56.25%; overflow: hidden;"><iframe style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none; object-fit: cover;" title="Luvme Hair Black Wig" src=""> </iframe></div> </div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-PgxDd8vzPoJEQcxnyUmc4b4Tnwe"><br></div> </div> <span class="lark-record-clipboard" data-lark-record-format="docx/text" data-lark-record-data='{"rootId":"FAlHdzkS1omxPfxLojFcT90Fnjf","text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"100% human hair black wigs from Luvme Hair bring the most natural, fashionable, and comfortable styling design to women of all ages. Whether you are a busy professional woman or need to attend a dinner party, you can enjoy the wear and go black wig. Embrace the greatest beauty with the least time."},"attribs":{"0":"*0+g*0*1+a*0+7k"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"],"1":["bold","true"]},"nextNum":2}},"type":"text","referenceRecordMap":{},"extra":{"channel":"saas","pasteRandomId":"9485eea1-ea32-4ecd-b127-4f90fc760c94","mention_page_title":{},"external_mention_url":{}},"isKeepQuoteContainer":false,"isFromCode":false,"selection":[{"id":36,"type":"text","selection":{"start":0,"end":298},"recordId":"PgxDd8vzPoJEQcxnyUmc4b4Tnwe"}],"payloadMap":{},"isCut":false}'></span> </div> <h3 class="heading-3 ace-line old-record-id-TGkWdZqI0oQLmVxyhStcAv6in3g">Explore the Different Shades of Black Wigs</h3> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-I6ZudNhzXoCW4QxRp0UcQn2Pnhh"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <div data-docx-has-block-data="false" data-lark-html-role="root" data-page-id="FAlHdzkS1omxPfxLojFcT90Fnjf"> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-EWA4dfZKPo5Ye7xjjCocsZNNnug">Black wigs have 3 shades of black, so when choosing a wig of this color, you need to know the following three color numbers:</div> <ul> <li class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-OgyhdmimAoTU06x69WFc54JLnuc"> <strong>Jet Black (Color 1):</strong> This deep black looks deeper and is perfect for women who like to create a vintage look with a strong sense of personality.</li> <li class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-MFWIdobqhoGsFDxJMF6cO1eCn9f"> <strong>Natural Black (1B):</strong> The color closest to natural hair. If you want to create a natural hairstyle while still wanting your hair to have texture and shine, you can choose 1B.</li> <li class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-WeH2d7MpIouDk9xxNfgc0PJJnjL"> <strong>Dark Brown (Color 2): </strong>This dark brown color is usually suitable for women who like warm, neither deep nor low-key colors.</li> </ul> </div> <span class="lark-record-clipboard" data-lark-record-format="docx/record" data-lark-record-data='{"isCut":false,"rootId":"FAlHdzkS1omxPfxLojFcT90Fnjf","parentId":"FAlHdzkS1omxPfxLojFcT90Fnjf","blockIds":[74,73,72,71],"recordIds":["EWA4dfZKPo5Ye7xjjCocsZNNnug","OgyhdmimAoTU06x69WFc54JLnuc","MFWIdobqhoGsFDxJMF6cO1eCn9f","WeH2d7MpIouDk9xxNfgc0PJJnjL"],"recordMap":{"WeH2d7MpIouDk9xxNfgc0PJJnjL":{"id":"WeH2d7MpIouDk9xxNfgc0PJJnjL","snapshot":{"type":"text","children":[],"comments":[],"revisions":[],"author":"7365693388395446273","text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"Dark Brown (Color 2): This dark brown color is usually suitable for women who like warm, neither deep nor low-key colors."},"attribs":{"0":"*0*1+m*0+2r"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"],"1":["bold","true"]},"nextNum":2}},"folded":false,"align":"left","parent_id":"FAlHdzkS1omxPfxLojFcT90Fnjf"}},"MFWIdobqhoGsFDxJMF6cO1eCn9f":{"id":"MFWIdobqhoGsFDxJMF6cO1eCn9f","snapshot":{"type":"text","children":[],"comments":[],"revisions":[],"author":"7365693388395446273","text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"Natural Black (1B): The color closest to natural hair. If you want to create a natural hairstyle while still wanting your hair to have texture and shine, you can choose 1B."},"attribs":{"0":"*0*1+j*0+49"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"],"1":["bold","true"]},"nextNum":2}},"folded":false,"parent_id":"FAlHdzkS1omxPfxLojFcT90Fnjf"}},"OgyhdmimAoTU06x69WFc54JLnuc":{"id":"OgyhdmimAoTU06x69WFc54JLnuc","snapshot":{"type":"text","children":[],"comments":[],"revisions":[],"author":"7365693388395446273","text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"Jet Black (Color 1): This deep black looks deeper and is perfect for women who like to create a vintage look with a strong sense of personality."},"attribs":{"0":"*0*1+k*0+3g"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"],"1":["bold","true"]},"nextNum":2}},"folded":false,"parent_id":"FAlHdzkS1omxPfxLojFcT90Fnjf"}},"EWA4dfZKPo5Ye7xjjCocsZNNnug":{"id":"EWA4dfZKPo5Ye7xjjCocsZNNnug","snapshot":{"type":"text","children":[],"comments":[],"revisions":[],"author":"7365693388395446273","text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"Black wigs have 3 shades of black, so when choosing a wig of this color, you need to know the following three color numbers:"},"attribs":{"0":"*0+3g"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"]},"nextNum":1}},"folded":false,"align":"left","parent_id":"FAlHdzkS1omxPfxLojFcT90Fnjf"}},"FAlHdzkS1omxPfxLojFcT90Fnjf":{"id":"FAlHdzkS1omxPfxLojFcT90Fnjf","snapshot":{"type":"page","parent_id":"","comments":null,"revisions":null,"locked":false,"hidden":false,"author":"7365693388395446273","children":["UaD9d6fouoouxuxjv5Wc4nnpnMf","Qoq7dTPZYonBd2xuUWycdDrsn9b","INModTclRogUTXxrSRMcsd1Ennf","AW9dduJGPoyreyxtugdcctcXn5d","YZQJdIoURoxvg1x1kdVcvdV6nsc","TnOmdIHh5oL3LHxwxYVcFh9Enoo","WqvPdJztXoi82Jxre6ucJh48n1g","RIXpd1Cr6oT7oUxKmaacgYQMn9f","KEpqdWo4IoMKLdxlvIAcmHEzncb","HS5hdQbEloch5oxDAg8cVgw4nwc","VYNzdX8eWoiBsSxoPuccLm18nLd","AdpQdX79NoLOvDxSioKcKuvMnzG","F1fnduLa1ok1JjxWVeNcGsBmnUc","TGkWdZqI0oQLmVxyhStcAv6in3g","I6ZudNhzXoCW4QxRp0UcQn2Pnhh","AtKFdY2zEojdf9xIaj8cyiDTnPf","UTcqdb0hxooCS7xUn65coOh5nsf","CB9idsl6nolE5vxo5Zoc1ZnZnFg","INgud2LfNoCP6bx378NcZAvun2c","EI5id0Kqeo0yP3xHiwicsWzEnUg","KhKydnxYhoDm1NxSZshc6qUOnLh","SmNldASFlo0TTXxAsI1celWtnOb","UQ69dC9ptoiT0ux9z3OcTqUvnSb","Vh4XdXtYjoHJEPxWpjUcdr0HnMf","FLnfdjyQsotufuxcpBocKM4YnIh","YZs3dYpxooqvQfxCohnccXMLnye","FJl0dWQgTodxiex5XVJc5gJ2nmd","AEy8dksrUoBGBvxRRkacCQ6tnVb","JofVd1s1qoRIHkx57AtcVWTYnOf","DuWpdRVrFoiD2mxedO2cr86GnQe","BGy3dSe4soDNxkxOymacEcgSnJb","GGHldZ1MzoJW8JxrrTuc0yH9nTe","J1gVd1YfPoLxiuxovCXcg7G3nob","RjQ5d8ZMyoxkkyxijPScDeKAnOh","NIrydzqgbomeJfxpncfcn1TwnTd","UFpcdYReToyUGNxuC1WccVegnXi","Dgy4dH4Phoh9wyxIBsMc2XEVnyg","SrLvduepWoDJJ7xe7svcdkcAnWs","VVTIdU8xxosJjdxmV6OcFI5Onyh","RJR3dMJP5oGKf4xttcucPsRlnDc","Nj5Kdj4ARoNScLxUlyzcZGUOn9d","B5HXdkS0Ooln3Hx9xVJcosBRnLc","CyDgduqlvoMcRsxAyyNcrTfnnld","EcxcdDZSjoZBQQxIhhycPBFDndc","GmEUdAosZoTRRex3BfNconRsnAc","BzshdNo92oCisPxR5dBcT4dxngg","YVq0dBnqNoB4G2x6MrEcInB3n6g","BwqIdKG0WoFaFXx93ehc1xlenyh","R51EdDaSao1CGjxt6tFc4X4KnYf","SXoNdfZFmonIZ9xHYxGc6N3knUo","DWpLdLaa8ojjO9xfeercDFoGnIc","HGE0ddIdPoos2XxanOhcFM3Cnyf","PgxDd8vzPoJEQcxnyUmc4b4Tnwe","D5FkdbJWjotcIix0X1yc6qPbnnb","D4KydFDc3oe0T1xIURIcta2Wn8b","VejSdnxfJoC4FNxQHfFcQD0enne","Lk82dXnNuoIWmlxDngLcBFOUnPg","Xwc0dIIqzo4W4UxTGdEcXzqOnBZ","EAFddayS2oPKcmxg2EwcSCM1npf","TzNcdIxC0oz4d4x4HazcM7wdnyc","EWA4dfZKPo5Ye7xjjCocsZNNnug","OgyhdmimAoTU06x69WFc54JLnuc","MFWIdobqhoGsFDxJMF6cO1eCn9f","WeH2d7MpIouDk9xxNfgc0PJJnjL","PtYodJcH4o0HNRxHMmAcLtrNn3d","Gxz5dhgqUo2K7SxYfQtcsrytndc","ZNy2dzvgwo9jyrxuWb0cAML0nSu","Hyv4dF5xVoz8Xxx7kKocRn2UnTb","Hqi3dLvrhoEbglxNBgWcdPFVnLb"],"text":{"apool":{"nextNum":1,"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"]}},"initialAttributedTexts":{"attribs":{"0":"*0+e"},"text":{"0":"black wig 页面内容"}}},"align":"","doc_info":{"editors":["7365693388395446273"],"options":["editors","edit_time"],"deleted_editors":null,"option_modified":null}}}},"payloadMap":{"EWA4dfZKPo5Ye7xjjCocsZNNnug":{"level":1},"OgyhdmimAoTU06x69WFc54JLnuc":{"level":1},"MFWIdobqhoGsFDxJMF6cO1eCn9f":{"level":1},"WeH2d7MpIouDk9xxNfgc0PJJnjL":{"level":1}},"extra":{"channel":"saas","pasteRandomId":"41ca991f-4429-4fb3-bb58-610ab73d9f95","mention_page_title":{},"external_mention_url":{}},"isKeepQuoteContainer":false,"selection":[{"id":74,"type":"text","selection":{"start":0,"end":124},"recordId":"EWA4dfZKPo5Ye7xjjCocsZNNnug"},{"id":73,"type":"text","selection":{"start":0,"end":144},"recordId":"OgyhdmimAoTU06x69WFc54JLnuc"},{"id":72,"type":"text","selection":{"start":0,"end":172},"recordId":"MFWIdobqhoGsFDxJMF6cO1eCn9f"},{"id":71,"type":"text","selection":{"start":0,"end":121},"recordId":"WeH2d7MpIouDk9xxNfgc0PJJnjL"}],"pasteFlag":"9ac6e378-ce69-4eee-bdcd-b30a66edf318"}'></span> </div> <h3 class="heading-3 ace-line old-record-id-INgud2LfNoCP6bx378NcZAvun2c">Your First Wig Color - Natural Black Wig</h3> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-EI5id0Kqeo0yP3xHiwicsWzEnUg"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <div data-docx-has-block-data="false" data-lark-html-role="root" data-page-id="FAlHdzkS1omxPfxLojFcT90Fnjf"> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-Gxz5dhgqUo2K7SxYfQtcsrytndc">Usually, the first wig chosen or purchased is conservative in color and style. So black wigs will be your best choice. Whether it is long hair, short hair, or curly hair, you can accept it happily without much deviation from the original style.</div> </div> <span class="lark-record-clipboard" data-lark-record-format="docx/text" data-lark-record-data='{"rootId":"FAlHdzkS1omxPfxLojFcT90Fnjf","text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"Usually, the first wig chosen or purchased is conservative in color and style. So black wigs will be your best choice. Whether it is long hair, short hair, or curly hair, you can accept it happily without much deviation from the original style."},"attribs":{"0":"*0+6s"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"]},"nextNum":1}},"type":"text","referenceRecordMap":{},"extra":{"channel":"saas","pasteRandomId":"c9ef66f2-4d47-4ca5-85f9-2a5b434f5c43","mention_page_title":{},"external_mention_url":{}},"isKeepQuoteContainer":false,"isFromCode":false,"selection":[{"id":69,"type":"text","selection":{"start":0,"end":244},"recordId":"Gxz5dhgqUo2K7SxYfQtcsrytndc"}],"payloadMap":{},"isCut":false}'></span> </div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-EI5id0Kqeo0yP3xHiwicsWzEnUg"><br></div> <h3 class="heading-3 ace-line old-record-id-FJl0dWQgTodxiex5XVJc5gJ2nmd">How Long Do Black Wigs Last?</h3> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-AEy8dksrUoBGBvxRRkacCQ6tnVb">With proper use and storage, Luvme Hair wigs can last 1-2 years or even longer. Crafted from 100% high-quality human hair, these wigs provide enduring beauty.</div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-AEy8dksrUoBGBvxRRkacCQ6tnVb"><br></div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-AEy8dksrUoBGBvxRRkacCQ6tnVb"> <h3 class="heading-3 ace-line old-record-id-KhKydnxYhoDm1NxSZshc6qUOnLh">Black Wig Styles for You in 2025</h3> <div data-docx-has-block-data="false" data-lark-html-role="root" data-page-id="FAlHdzkS1omxPfxLojFcT90Fnjf"> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-D4KydFDc3oe0T1xIURIcta2Wn8b">Luvme Hair's black wigs have created dozens of different black hair styles for you to choose from in order to better suit women with different face shapes and styles:</div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-VejSdnxfJoC4FNxQHfFcQD0enne">1.<strong> Black bob wigs: </strong>Covering all age groups, creating the most natural and classic style, suitable for any scene to meet all women's needs of saving time and chic.</div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-Lk82dXnNuoIWmlxDngLcBFOUnPg">2. <strong>Black wig with bangs:</strong> With bangs to modify your face shape, you will look more unique, creating a younger, playful vibe style, making the hairline more natural.</div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-Xwc0dIIqzo4W4UxTGdEcXzqOnBZ">3. <strong>Short black wig: </strong>Short hair style has always been the first choice for capable women and housewives. If you want to create a new style, try a pixie cut black wig. A bolder attempt, a new challenge.</div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-EAFddayS2oPKcmxg2EwcSCM1npf">4.<strong> Black curly wig: </strong>Curly hair makes black hair look more agile, and it is suitable for women who like fluffy and more hair.</div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-EAFddayS2oPKcmxg2EwcSCM1npf"><br></div> </div> </div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-AEy8dksrUoBGBvxRRkacCQ6tnVb" style="text-align: start;"><img alt="black wigs review" src="" style="margin-bottom: 16px; float: none; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" width="535" height="301"></div> <div style="text-align: right;" class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-JofVd1s1qoRIHkx57AtcVWTYnOf">Updated January 17, 2025</div> </div> <p style="text-align: left;" class="box_list" id="box_view"></p>

The Most Natural Looking Wig: Luvme Hair Black Wig

100% human hair black wigs from Luvme Hair bring the most natural, fashionable, and comfortable styling design to women of all ages. Whether you are a busy professional woman or need to attend a dinner party, you can enjoy the wear and go black wig. Embrace the greatest beauty with the least time.

Explore the Different Shades of Black Wigs

Black wigs have 3 shades of black, so when choosing a wig of this color, you need to know the following three color numbers:
  • Jet Black (Color 1): This deep black looks deeper and is perfect for women who like to create a vintage look with a strong sense of personality.
  • Natural Black (1B): The color closest to natural hair. If you want to create a natural hairstyle while still wanting your hair to have texture and shine, you can choose 1B.
  • Dark Brown (Color 2): This dark brown color is usually suitable for women who like warm, neither deep nor low-key colors.

Your First Wig Color - Natural Black Wig

Usually, the first wig chosen or purchased is conservative in color and style. So black wigs will be your best choice. Whether it is long hair, short hair, or curly hair, you can accept it happily without much deviation from the original style.

How Long Do Black Wigs Last?

With proper use and storage, Luvme Hair wigs can last 1-2 years or even longer. Crafted from 100% high-quality human hair, these wigs provide enduring beauty.

Black Wig Styles for You in 2025

Luvme Hair's black wigs have created dozens of different black hair styles for you to choose from in order to better suit women with different face shapes and styles:
1. Black bob wigs: Covering all age groups, creating the most natural and classic style, suitable for any scene to meet all women's needs of saving time and chic.
2. Black wig with bangs: With bangs to modify your face shape, you will look more unique, creating a younger, playful vibe style, making the hairline more natural.
3. Short black wig: Short hair style has always been the first choice for capable women and housewives. If you want to create a new style, try a pixie cut black wig. A bolder attempt, a new challenge.
4. Black curly wig: Curly hair makes black hair look more agile, and it is suitable for women who like fluffy and more hair.

black wigs review
Updated January 17, 2025

Black Wigs Human Hair FAQ

How to Style a Black Wig?

First of all, the black wig you have is made of 100% real human hair, so you can create different hairstyles as you like, such as:
1. Bleaching and dyeing: create a black wig with highlights
2. Straightening/curling: use a curling iron or a straightening iron to style your hair
3. Shortening: create a more personalized black wig length
4. Braiding/ponytailing: This needs to be related to the lace design of the black wig, not all wigs can do it

How to Style a Black Wig?

First of all, the black wig you have is made of 100% real human hair, so you can create different hairstyles as you like, such as:
1. Bleaching and dyeing: create a black wig with highlights
2. Straightening/curling: use a curling iron or a straightening iron to style your hair
3. Shortening: create a more personalized black wig length
4. Braiding/ponytailing: This needs to be related to the lace design of the black wig, not all wigs can do it

How to Care For a Black Wig?

Compared to other colored wigs, black wigs are easier to maintain. You only need to use wig shampoo and conditioner for cleaning and care.

How to Care For a Black Wig?

Compared to other colored wigs, black wigs are easier to maintain. You only need to use wig shampoo and conditioner for cleaning and care.

What Should I Look For in Black Wigs?

If you are looking for a black wig that suits you, you can choose the best black wigs based on the information I provide below:
1. Made of human hair: It is more natural than synthetic hair, and can be DIYed, dyed, straightened or curled.
2. Lace design: Different sizes of lace designs require different installation skills of different users. If you are a newcomer, I recommend using no lace black wig or minimalist lace black wig. If you want to create more styles, you can buy full lace black wig.
3. Length and texture: There are different black wigs for different usage scenarios and personal styles, for example: black bob wig, black body wave wig or black straight wig can create different styles.

What Should I Look For in Black Wigs?

If you are looking for a black wig that suits you, you can choose the best black wigs based on the information I provide below:
1. Made of human hair: It is more natural than synthetic hair, and can be DIYed, dyed, straightened or curled.
2. Lace design: Different sizes of lace designs require different installation skills of different users. If you are a newcomer, I recommend using no lace black wig or minimalist lace black wig. If you want to create more styles, you can buy full lace black wig.
3. Length and texture: There are different black wigs for different usage scenarios and personal styles, for example: black bob wig, black body wave wig or black straight wig can create different styles.

Where to Find a Good Black Wig?

Luvme Hair online store and app can provide you with a high-quality and cheap black wig, and you can become our member to get more discounts. In addition, you can download our ahrefs app to learn about the activities of our website wigs in real time.

Where to Find a Good Black Wig?

Luvme Hair online store and app can provide you with a high-quality and cheap black wig, and you can become our member to get more discounts. In addition, you can download our ahrefs app to learn about the activities of our website wigs in real time.

How to Style a Black Wig?

First of all, the black wig you have is made of 100% real human hair, so you can create different hairstyles as you like, such as:
1. Bleaching and dyeing: create a black wig with highlights
2. Straightening/curling: use a curling iron or a straightening iron to style your hair
3. Shortening: create a more personalized black wig length
4. Braiding/ponytailing: This needs to be related to the lace design of the black wig, not all wigs can do it

How to Care For a Black Wig?

Compared to other colored wigs, black wigs are easier to maintain. You only need to use wig shampoo and conditioner for cleaning and care.

What Should I Look For in Black Wigs?

If you are looking for a black wig that suits you, you can choose the best black wigs based on the information I provide below:
1. Made of human hair: It is more natural than synthetic hair, and can be DIYed, dyed, straightened or curled.
2. Lace design: Different sizes of lace designs require different installation skills of different users. If you are a newcomer, I recommend using no lace black wig or minimalist lace black wig. If you want to create more styles, you can buy full lace black wig.
3. Length and texture: There are different black wigs for different usage scenarios and personal styles, for example: black bob wig, black body wave wig or black straight wig can create different styles.

Where to Find a Good Black Wig?

Luvme Hair online store and app can provide you with a high-quality and cheap black wig, and you can become our member to get more discounts. In addition, you can download our ahrefs app to learn about the activities of our website wigs in real time.