Luvme wigs has been a life changer for me!
I was one who loved my hair and always had my hair on fleek! I had a short sexy style with blonde highlights! Well, in the beginning of this year, I suffered from hair loss in the top of my head where I had the blonde highlights.
As a result of my hair loss, I lost a lot of confidence and started to go through depression. I then made my first purchase of a Luvme Hair unit!
I loved the hair so much! The hair was beautiful, of great quality, and the lace was thin and easy to melt, but most importantly, I loved the way the unit made me feel!
I regained my confidence and self esteem!
In my new journey with wigs, I knew nothing about wigs and never dreamed that I would be one to wear a wig.
But through time and learning how to wear my units, how to make my units look natural, and how to care for my units, I have grown to be a Luvme Queen!
I am also grateful for the Luvme Queen and the Luvme VIP Queen communities! Through my fellow Queens, I have learned a great deal and am also grateful from the support of other Queens who understood what I went through and who also had their own stories!
Now my hair has grown back, but I love Luvme units so much that I am still not only wearing my Luvme wigs, but also still continue to purchase more! Thank you Luvme and Luvme Queens for what you all have been in my life! And without you all, I never would have made it! 💜💜💜
September 01, 2023 — Ada krystal