How much does a good wig cost?
How do you define a good wig?
First of all, a good wig should be as natural as original hair(natural color,natural density, natural shine).
Secondly, a good wig should have a long lifespan, instead of messing up after a week. To be frank, as a real human hair wig which is well maintained, the lifespan should last one year at least.
What’s more, a good wig is supposed to pay attention to the details. For example, a lace frontal wig should have a balance and natural hairline and the stitch should be tidy.
How much does a good wig cost?
A good wig brings me a lot of emotional value(love to myself, love to other people, more positive attitude to life). I have to admit that this value is hard to measure by money.
Offline wig shops could provide more service, but I pay more money at the same time. I totally understand why some real human hair wig offline shops sell their wig at a high price. They have to afford the cost of marketing, the cost of shop rent, the labor cost and so on.
So for me, I'm glad to see that there are some great online wig brands coming to my life. Yep, what I'm talking about is Luvme Hair!
In the view of Luvme Hair, a good wig not only means good quality, but also means good price. Luvme hair provides different kinds of good human hair wigs for different people. But all of them have an affordable price.
For beginners, Luvme Hair recommends headband wig, which is affordable and easy to wear. The price is normally between $100~$240. By the way, there are 5 color headbands that will be sent to you as a free gift.
If you need a natural hair line, Luvme Hair provides a kind of lace wig. The price is between $180~$900. Frontal lace wig would be more expensive than closure wig. HD lace wig would be more expensive than normal lace wig. People could choose the one suitable for them.
Of course, if you have a good hairstylist, a bob wig($89.9~$102.9) could give you a fantabulous experience.