Luvme Hair Events

September 10 2019
Hairstylist Contest Results
Winners Announced!!! Congratulations! We will contact the winner and pay the reward within 2 working days. Kindly check your inbox. Really be thankful for your participation. We will also hold more competitions for hair stylists and look forward to your next participation. Thanks for your voting!

September 6 2019
Luvme Hairstylist Contest
The top nine of hairstylists have been selected! Now the champion needs your vote! You can go to our Instagram Page and vote for the best works, Voting Link >> . The results of the vote will be announced on September 10.

August 30 2019
Luvme Hairstylist Contest
A simple and exciting contest! Share with your hairstylist to win $1000 Champion Prize!

August 17 2019
Package Upgrade
The new package has a more stereoscopic space volume than old package, so it can keep your wig in a better texture without distortion. And you can use this gorgeous box as your daily receipt box. A wonderful experience with surprise!