"Luvme Hair
My first experience with this company occurred about three years ago. At this point, I was pregnant with my second child while trying to work a full-time job. It was a struggle to maintain energy throughout the day, let alone fix my hair! I remember looking up videos on YouTube and coming across a review of a 360 degree lace wig. Now this was before they were as popular as they are now! Before the melting caps and other amazing methods that we now have available at our fingertips. So I ordered my first wig from the Luvme site: a beautiful, black 360 lace wig, 20 inches long. 
Now I love in Alaska! So after placing the order, I wasn’t expecting it to arrive for AT LEAST a month. 😂 But LADIES! In less than 2 weeks, I had my hair and a whole lot of confidence. This was my first of purchase from the company. The hair survived 2 years! TWO. YEARS. Not only that, but it was the first time I ever described a wig to my friends as being “soft and comfy.” What I love about this brand is that the hair doesn’t only make you look good, but you feel really good with it too! The owner and workers take pride in their work and customer service, and it consistently shows!
Thank you, Luvme, for providing hair and service throughout a variety of my life stages. If you have not bought hair from this company yet, then you are truly missing out on a rare and investment-worthy company. @luvmehair #luvmeandme"

Amariecw, on Nov. 22, 2019

The wigs she wear: Product Link

December 19, 2019 — L M