Angie_garris's Story <Luvme And Me>
"@luvmehair is one of the first wigs to actually make me feel confident. Most wigs I wear, I feel confident in myself and I just have a wig on lol but Luvme Hair was different. It was something I’d never really had before. The lace was incredible, the wig was actually clueless and it hasn’t done any shedding ... not only that... it was one of the first wigs I’d ever really felt confident in to wear no makeup or have no filters. Of course I’ve added some pictures with these things but I feel like the flawlessness of this wig is enough on its own. I hope you guys check them out. #luvmeandme ps the link to the install of this wig will be in my bio and I’ll be posting a new video with #luvmehair soon! ✨"
— Angie_garris, on Nov. 20, 2019