Embracing Beauty at Every Stage: Exploring #BeautyAtMyAge with Luvme Queens
Have you ever asked yourself:"What is the charm that makes me most proud of myself now?"
Women at every stage go through their own unique growth and changes. Whether you're a youthful teenager, a blossoming young adult, or a mature woman, each stage has its own unique allure, worthy of praise and cherishing. Beauty in women is never defined by age. As women mature, their beauty matures gracefully. Young women confidently pursue their dreams, discovering inner beauty along the way.
Girls radiate innocence and vitality as they grow and dream.
Every stage of a woman's life deserves to take pride in her own beauty.
Luvme Queens in the Luvme Hiar Community have shared their understanding of their age and the feelings and experiences it brings them under the topic #BeautyAtMyAge. How about enjoying their stories together.

@Rosalynn Garcia
I will be 37 on May 20th. I am happily married going on 8 years and a momma of 6 and 2 bonus kids and I am a grandma! With #beautyatmyage I have lost a total of 100lbs these last 2 years due to my health not being the greatest when I was overweight. I had my last 4 children back to back from 2016 to 2021 and during that time I struggled horrible with obesity and low self esteem. I have been going through many obstacles these past few months but still find a way to live laugh and love. Getting myself dolled up and throwing on a Luvme wig truly makes me feel beautifu.

@Cassie Mac
At the age of 40, I have discovered the delightful truth that beauty transcends time and is a reflection of one's inner self. My life's experiences have crafted the person I have become, and I embrace my individuality, including my imperfections. My beauty serves as a testament to the resilience, strength, and wisdom acquired through life's challenges. True beauty at 40 is not about attaining perfection; it lies in wholeheartedly embracing oneself, both physically and emotionally. It is the realization that genuine beauty originates from within and only deepens with the passage of time.

@Lynn Naughton
I've learned to persevere through life's challenges, always grateful for God's support during tough times. Despite losing five family members unexpectedly in 2024, I've discovered my inner strength. As a mother, wife, daughter, auntie, caregiver, and friend, I cherish the amazing people in my life. The fine lines on my face symbolize beauty and resilience, showcasing my character and grace. Standing tall at 5'9", as an Executive Director, I remain humble, kind, and grateful for God's blessings. At 55, I'm blessed with two wonderful sons and have taken custody of my late brother's child. Each day, I embrace the life I've been given with strength and gratitude.

@Doretha Greene Walker
At the young age of 66 my core values have definitely changed for the better: I no longer have to prove anything to anyone and i don’t carry grudges anymore. I place value on wisdom, authenticity and I try to live mindfully. My body may be deteriorating even though i’m giving it my best shot to keep it healthy, and that goes for my brain too. Yes, I may have more wrinkles than at age 30. 40, 50 or even 60, but my inner beauty is my true gift from God! I have learned to let go and LET GOD TO DIRECT ME and TO live my life purposefully, to be present, live in the moment, and not worry about the past or what could go wrong in the future. I am living my best life unapologetically.....one day at a time and that is HOW the essence of BEAUTY AT MY AGE DEFINES ME!

@Wendy Pierre
I’m 70, in excellent health, and thanking God for making it to this age still in my right mind having survived two divorces! I’m still setting goals and motivating other women to keep believing, that it’s never too late and you’re never too old! ( love this Luvme unit)