[2024] How to Make a Lace Front Wig Look Natural
- Wash and clean your hair
- Tie or braid your hair
Tips for a Natural Look
TIPS 1: Use a suitable wig cap
Wear a flesh-toned or transparent wig cap to create a smooth transition.

TIPS 2: Plucking the Hairline
Use tweezers to remove a few hairs along the hairline for a natural look.

TIPS 3: Trim the Lace
Trim excess lace along the hairline in a slight zig-zag pattern, leaving a small amount for blending.

TIPS 4: Apply Adhesive
Apply a thin layer of high-quality wig adhesive along your hairline to secure the wig.

TIPS 5: Blend with Foundation or Concealer
Apply foundation or concealer along the parting line and hairline to hide the lace.

TIPS 6: Create Baby Hairs
Style baby hairs around the hairline with a small brush and Edge Control Wax to soften the transition.

The Tools You Need
Wig Cap

Wig Knots Healer

Wig Bonding Glue & Remover Set

Double-sided Edge Control Brush

Edge Control Wax

Lace front wigs are the most popular wigs among women. With these tips, you can maximize your chances of achieving a natural, gorgeous look.
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Updated on August 30, 2024