Human Hair Wigs


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Human Hair Wigs description

<div data-line="true" data-line-index="0" data-zone-id="0"> <div data-zone-id="0" data-line-index="0" data-line="true"> <div style="text-align: left;"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <div data-docx-has-block-data="false" data-page-id="I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe" style="text-align: left;"> <div data-page-id="I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe" data-lark-html-role="root" data-docx-has-block-data="false"> <h2 class="heading-2 ace-line old-record-id-I3gmd5xMUoCGGTx3CrIcLpbxn7c">Best Human Hair Wigs Online——Luvme Hair</h2> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-KWrCd58JDoSE3Mx4cWXcP228nVg">Human hair wigs from Luvme are suitable for women of different ages, in order to create more natural and comfortable wigs. All wigs of Luvme are made of 100% real human hair, and have different lace area designs, among which lace front human hair wigs will be the best choice for all women.</div> </div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-Jj4Zdz7uooQtanxESyjcwETJnwd"> <div data-page-id="I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe" data-lark-html-role="root" data-docx-has-block-data="false" style="text-align: left;"> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-PKAWdAFiqoFF2LxzpEqc1yvJn7b"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <div data-page-id="I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe" data-lark-html-role="root" data-docx-has-block-data="false"> <h2 class="heading-2 ace-line old-record-id-Ueg2dCElsoyBl8xcCiBcUqHcnug">Why Should I Choose Luvme Human Hair Wigs?</h2> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-L6DRd9ttooWX6KxQQ58c60z2nWe">I will tell you why Luvme wigs are the best human hair wigs through the following factors:</div> <ol start="1" class="list-number1"> <li class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-B3BGdwqDqoXZlKxRcyncJibCnSf" data-list="number"> <div> <strong>Low Price of human hair wigs:</strong> Each wig is made of high-quality real human hair and all colors except natural black are dyed using the best dyeing technology, but you can own classic <a href=""><strong>bob human hair wigs</strong></a> for less than $100.</div> </li> <li class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-QMMOd04q8ocrb7xkfwZcg0urnkg" data-list="number"> <div> <strong>Multiple stylish wigs: </strong>From pixie cut to long wet and wavy human hair wigs, whether you like straight wigs, curly wigs or different colored wigs(included pink, red, purple, green, <a href=""><strong>grey wigs </strong></a>etc<strong>)</strong>, they are all available.</div> </li> <li class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-ZTLRdiZVFoimwvxT6UDc29nLnmh" data-list="number"> <div> <strong>Different lace designs of wigs</strong>: Newbies prefer no lace or minimalist lace, users who pursue styling creativity can choose lace front human hair wigs or closure wigs, or users who want to create a responsible hairstyle can choose 360 lace wigs or full lace human hair wigs.</div> </li> <li class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-U1xrdkjJsoGMzwxRgaecPQyMn5e" data-list="number"> <div> <strong>Luvme brand guarantee:</strong> 24 online customer service, 30-day free return policy.</div> </li> </ol> <div style="position: relative; width: 100%; padding-top: 56.25%; overflow: hidden; background: #000;"><iframe style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none;" title="Luvme human hair wigs" src=""> </iframe></div> </div> <span data-lark-record-data='{"isCut":false,"rootId":"I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe","parentId":"I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe","blockIds":[529,528,527,526,525,524],"recordIds":["Ueg2dCElsoyBl8xcCiBcUqHcnug","L6DRd9ttooWX6KxQQ58c60z2nWe","B3BGdwqDqoXZlKxRcyncJibCnSf","QMMOd04q8ocrb7xkfwZcg0urnkg","ZTLRdiZVFoimwvxT6UDc29nLnmh","U1xrdkjJsoGMzwxRgaecPQyMn5e"],"recordMap":{"U1xrdkjJsoGMzwxRgaecPQyMn5e":{"id":"U1xrdkjJsoGMzwxRgaecPQyMn5e","snapshot":{"type":"ordered","children":[],"comments":[],"revisions":[],"author":"7365693388395446273","text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"Luvme brand guarantee: 24 online customer service, 30-day free return policy."},"attribs":{"0":"*0+25"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"]},"nextNum":1}},"level":1,"folded":false,"seq":"4","parent_id":"I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe"}},"ZTLRdiZVFoimwvxT6UDc29nLnmh":{"id":"ZTLRdiZVFoimwvxT6UDc29nLnmh","snapshot":{"type":"ordered","children":[],"comments":[],"revisions":[],"author":"7365693388395446273","text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"Different lace designs of wigs: Newbies prefer no lace or minimalist lace, users who pursue styling creativity can choose lace front human hair wigs or closure wigs, or users who want to create a responsible hairstyle can choose 360 lace wigs or full lace human hair wigs."},"attribs":{"0":"*0+7k"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"]},"nextNum":1}},"level":1,"folded":false,"seq":"3","parent_id":"I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe"}},"QMMOd04q8ocrb7xkfwZcg0urnkg":{"id":"QMMOd04q8ocrb7xkfwZcg0urnkg","snapshot":{"type":"ordered","children":[],"comments":[],"revisions":[],"author":"7365693388395446273","text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"Multiple wigs: From pixie cut to long wet and wavy human hair wigs, whether you like straight wigs, curly wigs or colored wigs, they are all available."},"attribs":{"0":"*0+47"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"]},"nextNum":1}},"level":1,"folded":false,"seq":"2","parent_id":"I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe"}},"B3BGdwqDqoXZlKxRcyncJibCnSf":{"id":"B3BGdwqDqoXZlKxRcyncJibCnSf","snapshot":{"type":"ordered","children":[],"comments":[],"revisions":[],"author":"7365693388395446273","text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"Low Price of human hair wigs: Each wig is made of high-quality real human hair and all colors except natural black are dyed using the best dyeing technology, but you can own classic bob human hair wigs for less than $100."},"attribs":{"0":"*0+65"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"]},"nextNum":1}},"level":1,"folded":false,"seq":"1","parent_id":"I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe"}},"L6DRd9ttooWX6KxQQ58c60z2nWe":{"id":"L6DRd9ttooWX6KxQQ58c60z2nWe","snapshot":{"type":"text","children":[],"comments":[],"revisions":[],"author":"7365693388395446273","text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"I will tell you why Luvme wigs are the best human hair wigs through the following 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of high-quality real human hair and all colors except natural black are dyed using the best dyeing technology, but you can own classic bob human hair wigs for less than $100."},"attribs":{"0":"*0+65"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"]},"nextNum":1}},"level":1,"folded":false,"seq":"1","parent_id":"I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe"}},"L6DRd9ttooWX6KxQQ58c60z2nWe":{"id":"L6DRd9ttooWX6KxQQ58c60z2nWe","snapshot":{"type":"text","children":[],"comments":[],"revisions":[],"author":"7365693388395446273","text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"I will tell you why Luvme wigs are the best human hair wigs through the following factors:"},"attribs":{"0":"*0+2i"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"]},"nextNum":1}},"folded":false,"parent_id":"I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe"}},"Ueg2dCElsoyBl8xcCiBcUqHcnug":{"id":"Ueg2dCElsoyBl8xcCiBcUqHcnug","snapshot":{"type":"heading2","children":[],"comments":[],"revisions":[],"author":"7365693388395446273","text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"Why I Choose Luvme Human Hair Wigs?"},"attribs":{"0":"*0+z"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"]},"nextNum":1}},"folded":false,"parent_id":"I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe"}},"I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe":{"id":"I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe","snapshot":{"type":"page","parent_id":"","comments":null,"revisions":null,"locked":false,"hidden":false,"author":"7365693388395446273","children":["NkMsdsEvVoLu8tx3MNAcxnA0nwh","XZrtdzGbgoLnxkxFnYIcw51Qnee","OjBjdGeq4oUo2hxTF1mc4NIUn3b","XtX0dTOaRonMAOxaS9EcAeuInCe","EcVDdJE5NooOROx2e7pc6ZgAnzb","RdIZdGCF6oPm7QxQXdYcDdpAntf","XnpxdMSNUoEyqgxInaYcDlAon3b","JCm3duax5oMDKYxUXPucf3S9nod","IiePdJqPYoOPTFxTSTccYi8Vn7f","VFpedjXlyo6Atsx3h5FceoCInGh","NL4qdHEAMouuaHx6E4XcqkDpnpE","FRqjdIKbQoFu63xmYphcQozBncf","VMB4d4FGJoQld9xs45PctK1Fn7d","VYYJdaR23oat1wx1MgTcGxnxnzf","DTMRdsFPaoh5hfxjINHcMKHznEg","IklidpqMUoXQOsxkiw8cDuXonaf","WwG5d3CEoon6nPxblyhcvz2Rngc","VJ7ydj6hXoJKsSxzWWTcrPWsnTd","PgIAdGRukoPBjoxL74pcFPLqnXh","K2UQdiKNPo7VWNxB3MLcKcwSnz4","Vrcwd3bhJoL24dxKIjhcghXlngd","OiVPdaJAEoNiyrxJ0mcc2pBanng","NZqWdAfQfoHrhfxIbejcw4NwnZc","DPtFdVulbognaAxpakacv7Z6nEh","VZV6dy4QlotoMVxMdcJcxHEznLb","RaW3dz3EforE1sxIwMacA4PNn3q","W1uvdlu5lo5w4qxxyK6cgfz7nmf","TRYmdbI8toei00xUjn3coDbOn6f","X4dGdJfsWo4sZJxqDS4cHj2Enbb","VLUid7GQboUs0Bxf5PGcHz6dnzh","P1M9d17BGoj30Sxxhpvc7jlQndg","JyWudkQszo8KR0xbSFpcTMaTnGb","NHdMdOFCGo7hxJxDfHjcvfPJn5g","QjLEd7KaeoUTLFxPP1gc0FJlnTb","Ke4fdhODWo4irPxinDoc4XFknRe","L66gdnJpgo9W6Vxi3CzcOmRNnGg","R59md2ayjoUIXexuXY1cymifnlg","ZCOadDaKyosi3LxgrMtcfF1pnxg","XWIvdFSbioX71ExFGq6c4d8Wn8c","CoPKddz9joCBHPxwuIycpDI6nBg","JcuvddogeoJbMdxLkh5cgMLgnth","FmiwdIe8QoO189xNUAPcm99Tn0g","VFKadmNr5oF25qxdKDSchWhcnSd","XeOLdwuYdo0VxWxjia5clzS1nVd","Jj4Zdz7uooQtanxESyjcwETJnwd","EKTCd8qpIoW6IUxorOAcEPdXnrc","Fhs3dNWkZoVBJKxicOXc0Y3EnXb","BbaJd401ToXsn6xVEfPcSzdgnyf","QfDgdQRp0orQiHxqTdcckj55ndc","ISQFdrY1losVXPxMiDZcUMZxnUb","EEPcdcrKkouktoxelEIcZSKznbg","BGtcdrJ4uoGLkbx6SyCcBCihnsb","AlJXdq40foZQOHxIk2tc4uuenIc","EBV8dbb8coYk69xR2MXcCmVxnwd","SufSdPiQ2oy5cdx3e0hcKdxinnc","Xa5ZdkXc0oixGNx1X7Yct5URnDh","P3BRdNp3GojbpSxDLBDcdRd9nKe","LlZudLTBkoQsmsxQkC4cJfOhn6e","N5j1dUd7qoP46exvqtlcpRyNngf","OujvdRbtPooHpOx7Fn0cf5YVnBh","Xndsdmi3woJRQlxVx1fcqhUNnke","HjohdrtQuoEx1txoQHAcExJ6nZb","G54ydy5HtokK0IxfxBdc6rqOn5b","MRdIdU9Kbow08axvFlVcclEDnae","Mk8XdIZ4Eo7GhKxTzQlccbpUnMd","PRIbd38ITofngOxl7tIcUjiun65","ZtXHdMddToMgi0xzFkOcclGpnxe","GQSjdVIc6oWO0xxsIgQc8gDHnbe","CUkFd7kPToEM0lxqmGXcULxynve","XZwkdariwo1nGixAJW3cnpprn6d","JYxMdw5BCociFdxYoCUc6p2Xn1g","ZZN7dRSJ5odlGDxVtH2c1boonjz","CUFad4oXZoP0Eix3lLJceyAfnte","LPZnd9ZVCoGP8WxLZQuco5X0nAj","ZDhRd4Q0ao2BF9x6s1McTvXcneg","WYxmdx3HMo7jKYxmHXacF9sPnjg","IRtwdi6tQofChKx2kykcsfJfnuh","VUFyd2xQvo0ZnAxbYFWcTifEn9L","PKAWdAFiqoFF2LxzpEqc1yvJn7b","YAsTdElKgovqVexXVUEcz4AXnag","H5BZdaEseoTd0WxLb0Gc8TOXnpc","Kt7YdZNLMoprxBx23kHcvSdsnLg","UE6gd0wmbopczwxDcEacKo9knde","TETHdLokEo067fxpMq2c1gYTnEf","Nb1OdK8FNovkMQxga3Zcc5Ucnyc","G0Evdn5oioz7ItxRxioc8nZwnBe","V9O6dSQ6qoRQCVx9JjfckIzLnOf","NHiEdOTexoH9kaxZm0Cc6Yfsn7c","LmM6dlgM7oHCXexsevjcnFecnlB","Fc3MdaZaHokf3cx9OvPcdUj0nFh","MQ4edbGyFoJRGmxvSswcug0Wnmc","LScUda5NLoFs1rxL26oc2TcUnGR","OwSIdn2Q8ooXn9xGSEncGVgUnag","K7hLdcOqLofy0lxHhxvcObTPndb","D19gdW3QColzxfxonCAcJvRXnlg","QO6NdgzJmoYmd8xDPgDcEvR8neh","Jze8dp345oRMtxxXdJXckFIZnMh","HOcqdqTNHoAgHVxf1BHcNHNsnUd","UtKTdLf0CoOBWZx60BqcjhZFnbg","K6ludp8HNou6dAxUerKcDKmJnff","Wzl1d6z70oWAxbx3MSrcVofunOn","Zzo5dWVvxo297axp4FFc04B9ncg","MAEZd23qeokTi4xTWvdcjrAcn7G","S4jldUzf3olxvVxXtwFc0kGtnxu","PBXAdKiexoq6l6xG6IOciBHPnxf","RZBJdUSWloKJNLxgz4Ac5fqHngf","H9FbdoiihoTexVxTnrXcqk24n0f","AEb9drzeToHPopxJM4zcpjvOn8d","PWvWdK3eJo3Bytx4xOacRI9lnee","XIRgdb9mFoW4ZVxn2IUcel7Kn2e","B45pdpLYhoULz8xDNMGcqiNanV9","Asu3dA65noLRQxxCso2cURj5nob","Rq84dgKyMoQwdgxyFaEcszO1njg","Z9wddjUnlo2VmExY3GScXNlNnJh","DYGLd3qb7oBLxIxXztocHHHknAh","OuLAdBwPOov7k1xcqHMc1WTynOf","Xv03dtLG0odpWgxmVRycljjMnSg","POkedFzwgoFNFrxPOHWcy2pKndf","U82pdpcFho5hqyxICNFcZOTDnre","Rwkbd67PvoFoBVxCFVXcr3wAnkR","Avh0d9EK2o0a5Gx30ozc8AKdnge","Kyi4dlfYzom5gIxvwGwcrJUvnsb","OudSdiqvTo2OJzxZi5Qca7tTnMe","Ndm3dXlftoQ6QNxjfficuq2Zn5g","FPdRdKqemotrYrxaszjcJICVndh","Q9yld7SSNoIjg2xsSiBcjJGknbf","KnSqdcZNfol2GixXSSCc98XnnEb","P4HLdqN2BohfvKxGwjJcGyVunUe","HaZjdTRFloGFtAxO5RLcOeTInhc","PGIgdn96Kog8sfx5b2gcOTiknGh","I3gmd5xMUoCGGTx3CrIcLpbxn7c","KWrCd58JDoSE3Mx4cWXcP228nVg","Ueg2dCElsoyBl8xcCiBcUqHcnug","L6DRd9ttooWX6KxQQ58c60z2nWe","B3BGdwqDqoXZlKxRcyncJibCnSf","QMMOd04q8ocrb7xkfwZcg0urnkg","ZTLRdiZVFoimwvxT6UDc29nLnmh","U1xrdkjJsoGMzwxRgaecPQyMn5e"],"text":{"apool":{"nextNum":1,"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"]}},"initialAttributedTexts":{"attribs":{"0":"*0+k"},"text":{"0":"Human 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data-lark-record-format="docx/record" class="lark-record-clipboard">All You Need to Know About Choosing a Human Hair Wigs</span></h2> <h3 class="heading-2 ace-line old-record-id-YAsTdElKgovqVexXVUEcz4AXnag">Human hair wigs vs synthetic wigs - how to choose the best one for you?</h3> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-H5BZdaEseoTd0WxLb0Gc8TOXnpc">When deciding between human hair and synthetic wigs, it's crucial to understand the differences and benefits of each type.</div> <ul> <li class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-Kt7YdZNLMoprxBx23kHcvSdsnLg"> <strong>Human hair wigs:</strong> The standard for those seeking an authentic, natural appearance. Made from real human hair, these wigs seamlessly integrate with your natural hair, providing a nearly impossible look to differentiate from your own hair. They are perfect for those who want a high-quality, authentic appearance.</li> <li class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-UE6gd0wmbopczwxDcEacKo9knde"> <strong>Synthetic wigs: </strong>a budget-friendly alternative. They are generally less expensive than real human hair wigs and require minimal maintenance.</li> </ul> <div data-docx-has-block-data="false" data-lark-html-role="root" data-page-id="I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe"> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-RZBJdUSWloKJNLxgz4Ac5fqHngf"><br></div> </div> <h3>Care Tips for Human Hair Wigs</h3> <p><strong>1. Washing and Conditioning</strong>: Gently wash your wig every 7-10 wears using sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner to maintain its softness and shine. Always use cool to lukewarm water and avoid rubbing the wig's hair; instead, gently swish the Luvme human hair wig in the water. Rinse thoroughly to remove all product residue.</p> <p><strong>2. Storing Properly</strong>: When not in use, store your wig on a wig stand or mannequin head to maintain its shape and prevent tangling. This keeps the wig looking fresh and ready to wear while also avoiding unnecessary creasing or flattening of the hair.</p> <p><strong>3. heat-stylingAvoiding Excessive Heat</strong>: Minimize heat-styling tools like flat irons or curling wands to extend the life of your real human hair wig. If heat styling is necessary, always apply a heat protectant spray to shield the hair from damage and keep it looking healthy. When not in use, store your wig on a wig stand or mannequin head </p> <div data-docx-has-block-data="false" data-lark-html-role="root" data-page-id="I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe"> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-PWvWdK3eJo3Bytx4xOacRI9lnee"><br></div> </div> <h3 class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-G0Evdn5oioz7ItxRxioc8nZwnBe">How Long Do Human Hair Wigs Last?</h3> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-G0Evdn5oioz7ItxRxioc8nZwnBe"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <div data-page-id="I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe" data-lark-html-role="root" data-docx-has-block-data="false"> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-S6aSdrHyToieftx5h4fckFjXnMh">The lifespan of a human hair wig depends on several factors, including the quality of the wig, how often it is worn, and how well it is maintained. Generally, real human hair wigs can last over 3 years with proper care. High-quality wigs made from 100% human hair are designed to withstand regular wear and styling, contributin to their durability. The contribution is that the higher the quality of the human hair wig, the longer it will last. For a wide selection of high-quality human hair wigs' options, explore Luvme Hair.</div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-S6aSdrHyToieftx5h4fckFjXnMh"><br></div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-S6aSdrHyToieftx5h4fckFjXnMh"> <h3 class="heading-2 ace-line old-record-id-AEb9drzeToHPopxJM4zcpjvOn8d">How Often Should Human Hair Wigs Be Cleaned?</h3> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-PWvWdK3eJo3Bytx4xOacRI9lnee">Human hair wigs should be cleaned every 7-10 wears to maintain their softness and shine. Regular washing with sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner removes buildup from styling products and sweat, keeping the wig fresh and healthy. Overwashing can lead to dryness, so balance is key to preserving the wig’s natural texture and longevity.</div> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-PWvWdK3eJo3Bytx4xOacRI9lnee"><br></div> <h3 data-docx-has-block-data="false" data-lark-html-role="root" data-page-id="I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe">How to Wash a Human Hair Wig?</h3> <p>Washing a glueless human hair wig properly is crucial to maintaining its softness, shine, and overall quality. Follow these steps to wash your wig effectively:</p> </div> </div> <span data-lark-record-data='{"isCut":false,"rootId":"I1DCdU7kpoFUJqx3LmfcI4nWnpe","parentId":"CwvwdTN63o0HJyx2dx5cgiqSn9d","blockIds":[323,324,325],"recordIds":["S6aSdrHyToieftx5h4fckFjXnMh","YXZ1dubZyoT55yx38ZNccSdPnJc","O6QkdL5Maomm6ax66lwcbfNJnQf"],"recordMap":{"S6aSdrHyToieftx5h4fckFjXnMh":{"id":"S6aSdrHyToieftx5h4fckFjXnMh","snapshot":{"type":"text","parent_id":"CwvwdTN63o0HJyx2dx5cgiqSn9d","comments":[],"locked":false,"hidden":false,"author":"7365693388395446273","children":[],"text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"The lifespan of a human hair wig depends on several factors, including the quality of the wig, how often it is worn, and how well it is maintained. Generally, real human hair wigs can last anywhere over 3 years with proper care. High-quality wigs made from 100% human hair are designed to withstand regular wear and styling, which contributes to their durability."},"attribs":{"0":"*0+a3"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"]},"nextNum":1}},"align":"","folded":false}},"YXZ1dubZyoT55yx38ZNccSdPnJc":{"id":"YXZ1dubZyoT55yx38ZNccSdPnJc","snapshot":{"type":"text","parent_id":"CwvwdTN63o0HJyx2dx5cgiqSn9d","comments":[],"locked":false,"hidden":false,"author":"7365693388395446273","children":[],"text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"Human Hair lace front wigs, closure lace wigs or full lace wigs offer a natural appearance and can be styled with heat tools. However, frequent styling may shorten their lifespan, so careful maintenance is essential to preserve their condition."},"attribs":{"0":"*0*1+q*0+2*0*1+h*0+3*0*1+f*0+51"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"],"1":["unlink","true"]},"nextNum":2}},"align":"","folded":false}},"O6QkdL5Maomm6ax66lwcbfNJnQf":{"id":"O6QkdL5Maomm6ax66lwcbfNJnQf","snapshot":{"type":"text","parent_id":"CwvwdTN63o0HJyx2dx5cgiqSn9d","comments":[],"locked":false,"hidden":false,"author":"7365693388395446273","children":[],"text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"The higher the quality of the human hair wig, the longer it will last. For a wide selection of high-quality options, explore: Luvme Hair human hair wigs."},"attribs":{"0":"*0+3t*0*1+f*0+1"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7365693388395446273"],"1":["unlink","true"]},"nextNum":2}},"align":"","folded":false}},"CwvwdTN63o0HJyx2dx5cgiqSn9d":{"id":"CwvwdTN63o0HJyx2dx5cgiqSn9d","snapshot":{"type":"table_cell","parent_id":"BbaJd401ToXsn6xVEfPcSzdgnyf","comments":[],"revisions":[],"locked":false,"hidden":false,"author":"7365693388395446273","children":["S6aSdrHyToieftx5h4fckFjXnMh","YXZ1dubZyoT55yx38ZNccSdPnJc","O6QkdL5Maomm6ax66lwcbfNJnQf"]}}},"payloadMap":{"S6aSdrHyToieftx5h4fckFjXnMh":{"level":1},"YXZ1dubZyoT55yx38ZNccSdPnJc":{"level":1},"O6QkdL5Maomm6ax66lwcbfNJnQf":{"level":1}},"extra":{"channel":"saas","pasteRandomId":"f0dd3aab-765a-4960-9abb-17709b4d2145","mention_page_title":{},"external_mention_url":{}},"isKeepQuoteContainer":false,"selection":[{"id":323,"type":"text","selection":{"start":0,"end":363},"recordId":"S6aSdrHyToieftx5h4fckFjXnMh"},{"id":324,"type":"text","selection":{"start":0,"end":244},"recordId":"YXZ1dubZyoT55yx38ZNccSdPnJc"},{"id":325,"type":"text","selection":{"start":0,"end":153},"recordId":"O6QkdL5Maomm6ax66lwcbfNJnQf"}],"pasteFlag":"8222f999-9da5-40f3-bffa-688a2f84b060"}' data-lark-record-format="docx/record" class="lark-record-clipboard"></span> </div> <ul> <li class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-NHiEdOTexoH9kaxZm0Cc6Yfsn7c"> <strong>Detangle</strong>: Gently comb the wig or your fingers with a wide-tooth wig comb, starting from the ends to prevent breakage.</li> <li class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-NHiEdOTexoH9kaxZm0Cc6Yfsn7c"> <strong>Cleanse</strong>: Submerge the wig in water and gently swish it. Avoid rubbing or twisting to prevent tangling.</li> <li class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-NHiEdOTexoH9kaxZm0Cc6Yfsn7c"> <strong style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Rinse</strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">: Rinse the real human hair wig thoroughly with cool water until all shampoo is removed.</span> </li> <li class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-NHiEdOTexoH9kaxZm0Cc6Yfsn7c"> <strong style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Condition</strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">: Apply conditioner to the mid-lengths and ends, avoiding the roots. Leave for a few minutes, then rinse with cool water.</span> </li> <li class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-NHiEdOTexoH9kaxZm0Cc6Yfsn7c"> <strong style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Dry</strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">: Blot gently with a towel and air dry on a 100 human hair wig stand to maintain shape. Avoid using a hair dryer to prevent heat damage.</span> </li> </ul> <h2><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Real Customers Reviews of Luvme Human Hair Wigs</span></h2> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"><img alt="luvme hair reviews" src="" width="542" height="305" style="margin-bottom: 16px; float: none; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"></span></p> <div class="ace-line ace-line old-record-id-LmM6dlgM7oHCXexsevjcnFecnlB" style="text-align: right;">Updated on January 09, 2025</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> .tag { display: inline-block; padding: 2px 8px; margin: 2px; background-color: #d1c2e7; color: white; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 12px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; } @media (max-width: 600px) { .tag { padding: 3px 10px; font-size: 11px; border-radius: 15px; } } </style>

Best Human Hair Wigs Online——Luvme Hair

Human hair wigs from Luvme are suitable for women of different ages, in order to create more natural and comfortable wigs. All wigs of Luvme are made of 100% real human hair, and have different lace area designs, among which lace front human hair wigs will be the best choice for all women.

Why Should I Choose Luvme Human Hair Wigs?

I will tell you why Luvme wigs are the best human hair wigs through the following factors:
  1. Low Price of human hair wigs: Each wig is made of high-quality real human hair and all colors except natural black are dyed using the best dyeing technology, but you can own classic bob human hair wigs for less than $100.
  2. Multiple stylish wigs: From pixie cut to long wet and wavy human hair wigs, whether you like straight wigs, curly wigs or different colored wigs(included pink, red, purple, green, grey wigs etc), they are all available.
  3. Different lace designs of wigs: Newbies prefer no lace or minimalist lace, users who pursue styling creativity can choose lace front human hair wigs or closure wigs, or users who want to create a responsible hairstyle can choose 360 lace wigs or full lace human hair wigs.
  4. Luvme brand guarantee: 24 online customer service, 30-day free return policy.

All You Need to Know About Choosing a Human Hair Wigs

Human hair wigs vs synthetic wigs - how to choose the best one for you?

When deciding between human hair and synthetic wigs, it's crucial to understand the differences and benefits of each type.
  • Human hair wigs: The standard for those seeking an authentic, natural appearance. Made from real human hair, these wigs seamlessly integrate with your natural hair, providing a nearly impossible look to differentiate from your own hair. They are perfect for those who want a high-quality, authentic appearance.
  • Synthetic wigs: a budget-friendly alternative. They are generally less expensive than real human hair wigs and require minimal maintenance.

Care Tips for Human Hair Wigs

1. Washing and Conditioning: Gently wash your wig every 7-10 wears using sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner to maintain its softness and shine. Always use cool to lukewarm water and avoid rubbing the wig's hair; instead, gently swish the Luvme human hair wig in the water. Rinse thoroughly to remove all product residue.

2. Storing Properly: When not in use, store your wig on a wig stand or mannequin head to maintain its shape and prevent tangling. This keeps the wig looking fresh and ready to wear while also avoiding unnecessary creasing or flattening of the hair.

3. heat-stylingAvoiding Excessive Heat: Minimize heat-styling tools like flat irons or curling wands to extend the life of your real human hair wig. If heat styling is necessary, always apply a heat protectant spray to shield the hair from damage and keep it looking healthy. When not in use, store your wig on a wig stand or mannequin head 

How Long Do Human Hair Wigs Last?

The lifespan of a human hair wig depends on several factors, including the quality of the wig, how often it is worn, and how well it is maintained. Generally, real human hair wigs can last over 3 years with proper care. High-quality wigs made from 100% human hair are designed to withstand regular wear and styling, contributin to their durability. The contribution is that the higher the quality of the human hair wig, the longer it will last. For a wide selection of high-quality human hair wigs' options, explore Luvme Hair.

How Often Should Human Hair Wigs Be Cleaned?

Human hair wigs should be cleaned every 7-10 wears to maintain their softness and shine. Regular washing with sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner removes buildup from styling products and sweat, keeping the wig fresh and healthy. Overwashing can lead to dryness, so balance is key to preserving the wig’s natural texture and longevity.

How to Wash a Human Hair Wig?

Washing a glueless human hair wig properly is crucial to maintaining its softness, shine, and overall quality. Follow these steps to wash your wig effectively:

  • Detangle: Gently comb the wig or your fingers with a wide-tooth wig comb, starting from the ends to prevent breakage.
  • Cleanse: Submerge the wig in water and gently swish it. Avoid rubbing or twisting to prevent tangling.
  • Rinse: Rinse the real human hair wig thoroughly with cool water until all shampoo is removed.
  • Condition: Apply conditioner to the mid-lengths and ends, avoiding the roots. Leave for a few minutes, then rinse with cool water.
  • Dry: Blot gently with a towel and air dry on a 100 human hair wig stand to maintain shape. Avoid using a hair dryer to prevent heat damage.

Real Customers Reviews of Luvme Human Hair Wigs

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Updated on January 09, 2025

Human Hair Wigs FAQ

How to Install Luvme Human Hair Wig?

The first thing to do after receiving our human hair wig is to try to wear your wig. Luvme wigs can be easily worn by both beginners and women who often wear wigs. Here is how to wear it:
Step 1: Use a comb, a hair cap, and an elastic band to arrange your natural hair.
Step 2: Put the wig on the top of your head, fix the clip and adjust the elastic strap to the size that suits you.
Step 3: Simply use your hands or a comb to take care of your wig and adjust it to the style that suits you best.

How to Install Luvme Human Hair Wig?

The first thing to do after receiving our human hair wig is to try to wear your wig. Luvme wigs can be easily worn by both beginners and women who often wear wigs. Here is how to wear it:
Step 1: Use a comb, a hair cap, and an elastic band to arrange your natural hair.
Step 2: Put the wig on the top of your head, fix the clip and adjust the elastic strap to the size that suits you.
Step 3: Simply use your hands or a comb to take care of your wig and adjust it to the style that suits you best.

How to style human hair wigs?

Only wigs made of 100% human hair can be styled DIY. According to your personal needs, you can refer to the following style suggestions:

  • Trim the length and shape of the wig: Create side bangs or middle bangs style from no bangs wig.
  • Dye the wig: fade the black wig into 613 blonde wig to create the most attractive color, or create highlights on your human hair wigs.
  • Straigt/curl your wig: Use a wig to create straight and curly hair styles for different occasions. If you go to the beach, you can try wet and wavy wigs to have straight and curly hair styles at the same time.
How to style human hair wigs?

Only wigs made of 100% human hair can be styled DIY. According to your personal needs, you can refer to the following style suggestions:

  • Trim the length and shape of the wig: Create side bangs or middle bangs style from no bangs wig.
  • Dye the wig: fade the black wig into 613 blonde wig to create the most attractive color, or create highlights on your human hair wigs.
  • Straigt/curl your wig: Use a wig to create straight and curly hair styles for different occasions. If you go to the beach, you can try wet and wavy wigs to have straight and curly hair styles at the same time.
How to Dye a Human Hair Wig

Human hair wigs can be bleached and dyed. The bleaching and dyeing steps are the same as those of natural hair. However, it is not recommended to bleach and dye human hair wigs multiple times because it is easy to damage the original hair quality. Operation steps:

  • Use human hair dye and select a small amount of hair on the wig for testing.
  • After the test, you can color it normally. You can apply the hair dye on the wig and calculate the time not too long to avoid over-bleaching and dyeing.
  • After washing the hair dye on the wig with clean water, wipe it dry with a towel and use wig conditioner for repair.
  • After the last wash, you can let it dry naturally.

Note: Be careful not to over-bleach and dye, and the time needs to be controlled. Do not use a hair dryer to blow dry the wig with hot air.

How to Dye a Human Hair Wig

Human hair wigs can be bleached and dyed. The bleaching and dyeing steps are the same as those of natural hair. However, it is not recommended to bleach and dye human hair wigs multiple times because it is easy to damage the original hair quality. Operation steps:

  • Use human hair dye and select a small amount of hair on the wig for testing.
  • After the test, you can color it normally. You can apply the hair dye on the wig and calculate the time not too long to avoid over-bleaching and dyeing.
  • After washing the hair dye on the wig with clean water, wipe it dry with a towel and use wig conditioner for repair.
  • After the last wash, you can let it dry naturally.

Note: Be careful not to over-bleach and dye, and the time needs to be controlled. Do not use a hair dryer to blow dry the wig with hot air.

Advice and precautions for using human hair wigs

1. If you insist on wearing a wig every day. Then you should take the wig off for cleaning and maintenance at least once a week. Please don’t be stingy about using shampoo and conditioner, Luvme human hair wigs deserve your careful treatment

2. If you choose U part wig, Minimalist lace wig, 4x4 closure lace wig, V-part wig, headband wig, or wig with bangs, this kind of wig is easy to put on and take off. Then I suggest you take off the wig before going to bed every day to relax your scalp and avoid wearing out the wig while sleeping. If you need to wear a wig to sleep, please wrap the wig with a silk hair bag to avoid crushing and rubbing the wig when you turn over at night.

3. Natural black wigs can be dyed and bleached at will. But if you buy a colored wig, you'd better dye and bleach it carefully to avoid uneven dyeing or damage to the hair quality.

4. The temperature of the curling iron is generally between 120 degrees Celsius and 200 degrees Celsius. If you need to use a curling iron to style your curls. Then use a heat protectant to avoid damage to your hair caused by excessive temperatures. Or you can choose the 125°C setting to complete the look.

Advice and precautions for using human hair wigs

1. If you insist on wearing a wig every day. Then you should take the wig off for cleaning and maintenance at least once a week. Please don’t be stingy about using shampoo and conditioner, Luvme human hair wigs deserve your careful treatment

2. If you choose U part wig, Minimalist lace wig, 4x4 closure lace wig, V-part wig, headband wig, or wig with bangs, this kind of wig is easy to put on and take off. Then I suggest you take off the wig before going to bed every day to relax your scalp and avoid wearing out the wig while sleeping. If you need to wear a wig to sleep, please wrap the wig with a silk hair bag to avoid crushing and rubbing the wig when you turn over at night.

3. Natural black wigs can be dyed and bleached at will. But if you buy a colored wig, you'd better dye and bleach it carefully to avoid uneven dyeing or damage to the hair quality.

4. The temperature of the curling iron is generally between 120 degrees Celsius and 200 degrees Celsius. If you need to use a curling iron to style your curls. Then use a heat protectant to avoid damage to your hair caused by excessive temperatures. Or you can choose the 125°C setting to complete the look.

How to Install Luvme Human Hair Wig?

The first thing to do after receiving our human hair wig is to try to wear your wig. Luvme wigs can be easily worn by both beginners and women who often wear wigs. Here is how to wear it:
Step 1: Use a comb, a hair cap, and an elastic band to arrange your natural hair.
Step 2: Put the wig on the top of your head, fix the clip and adjust the elastic strap to the size that suits you.
Step 3: Simply use your hands or a comb to take care of your wig and adjust it to the style that suits you best.

How to style human hair wigs?

Only wigs made of 100% human hair can be styled DIY. According to your personal needs, you can refer to the following style suggestions:

  • Trim the length and shape of the wig: Create side bangs or middle bangs style from no bangs wig.
  • Dye the wig: fade the black wig into 613 blonde wig to create the most attractive color, or create highlights on your human hair wigs.
  • Straigt/curl your wig: Use a wig to create straight and curly hair styles for different occasions. If you go to the beach, you can try wet and wavy wigs to have straight and curly hair styles at the same time.

How to Dye a Human Hair Wig

Human hair wigs can be bleached and dyed. The bleaching and dyeing steps are the same as those of natural hair. However, it is not recommended to bleach and dye human hair wigs multiple times because it is easy to damage the original hair quality. Operation steps:

  • Use human hair dye and select a small amount of hair on the wig for testing.
  • After the test, you can color it normally. You can apply the hair dye on the wig and calculate the time not too long to avoid over-bleaching and dyeing.
  • After washing the hair dye on the wig with clean water, wipe it dry with a towel and use wig conditioner for repair.
  • After the last wash, you can let it dry naturally.

Note: Be careful not to over-bleach and dye, and the time needs to be controlled. Do not use a hair dryer to blow dry the wig with hot air.

Advice and precautions for using human hair wigs

1. If you insist on wearing a wig every day. Then you should take the wig off for cleaning and maintenance at least once a week. Please don’t be stingy about using shampoo and conditioner, Luvme human hair wigs deserve your careful treatment

2. If you choose U part wig, Minimalist lace wig, 4x4 closure lace wig, V-part wig, headband wig, or wig with bangs, this kind of wig is easy to put on and take off. Then I suggest you take off the wig before going to bed every day to relax your scalp and avoid wearing out the wig while sleeping. If you need to wear a wig to sleep, please wrap the wig with a silk hair bag to avoid crushing and rubbing the wig when you turn over at night.

3. Natural black wigs can be dyed and bleached at will. But if you buy a colored wig, you'd better dye and bleach it carefully to avoid uneven dyeing or damage to the hair quality.

4. The temperature of the curling iron is generally between 120 degrees Celsius and 200 degrees Celsius. If you need to use a curling iron to style your curls. Then use a heat protectant to avoid damage to your hair caused by excessive temperatures. Or you can choose the 125°C setting to complete the look.